Maxime Dougados and Clementina López-Medina - Results of the ASAS-PerSpA study

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Y-ASAS involved in the production of the video: Valeria Rios-Rodriguez, Sebastián Ibáñez, Philippe Carron, Mikhail Protopopov, Giuseppe Lopalco and Mark C. Hwang
- López-Medina C, Molto A, Sieper J, et al. Prevalence and distribution of peripheral musculoskeletal manifestations in spondyloarthritis including psoriatic arthritis: results of the worldwide, cross-sectional ASAS-PerSpA study. RMD Open 2021 Jan;7(1):e001450
- López-Medina C, Chevret S, Molto A, et al. Identification of clinical phenotypes of peripheral involvement in patients with spondyloarthritis, including psoriatic arthritis: a cluster analysis in the worldwide ASAS-PerSpA study. RMD Open 2021 Nov;7(3):3001728
Sofia Ramiro - Longitudinal data analysis
Y-ASAS involved in the production of the video: Valeria Rios-Rodriguez, Ihsane Hmamouchi, Suzanne Arends, Gaëlle Varkas and Marlies Carbo.